STAT 312

Course No.

Course Title





Stat 312

Theory of Probability  II




Stat211, Math203


Studding probability distributions of more than one random variable and finding the probability distributions of functions and sums of random variables.


Course Description:

-          Bivariate probability distribution: Discrete and continuous, joint, marginal, and conditional distributions, Calculation of moments, independency, Covariance, and Coefficient of correlation.

-          Probability generating function and moment generating function. Trinomial and bivariate normal distributions.

-          Generalization of the above concepts to multivariate random variables.

-          Probability distributions of functions of random variables using distribution function, moment generating function and transformation methods.

-          Derivation of Chi-square, t and F distributions.

-          Probability distributions of sum of independent random variables and their properties: the expected value, variance and covariance.


Main text books :

G.M. El-Sayyad: Theory of probability, 1990, Dar-Hafez

Subsidary books :

Blake, I.F. : An Introduction to Applied Probability, John Wiely, 1989.

Last Update
5/14/2011 4:50:13 PM