STAT 302

Course No.

Course Title





Stat 302

Statistical Methods




Stat 211


To make the student aware of the statistical methods which are used in estimation and testing of significance.


Course Description:

-          Calculation of moments and coefficients of skewness and kurtosis.

-          Revision of: Normal, x2, t and F distributions and their relations.

-          Sampling distribution from normal population, sampling distribution of means, differences between two means, variance and ratio of two variances (and their uses in estimation and testing of significance).

-          Central limit theorem and law of large numbers, estimation and test of significance for proportions and difference between two proportions.

-          Analysis of Variance.

-          Tukey, Scheffe, Bonferroni Multiple comparison Procedure

-          ANOVA diagnostics and Remedial Measures.

-          Non Parametric Alternatives

-          Using Minitab packages.


Main text books:

Walpole, Introduction to Statistics, Collier McMillan, (1992).


Subsidiary books:

Mendenhall, W. Warcherly D.D. and R.L. Scheaffer, Mathmatical Statistics with Applications, PWS-kent 1989.


Neter; Applied Linear Statistical Models, 5th Edition

Last Update
5/14/2011 4:48:00 PM